Evidence Talks

LGBTQ+ in the workplace - what every company needs to hear

MRS Delphi Group

Today we're talking about representation and inclusion. 

Insight professionals are here to discover the truth and are in a unique position to increase understanding and amplify all voices within society – and organisations need to listen to what these communities have to say if they are to retain customers and staff, and grow their business.

We may feel that many battles have been won – everyone is talking about diversity; laws are in place and doors have been opened. But when we dig below the surface the picture is less positive.

According to Stonewall, 62% of graduates go back into the closet when they enter the job market.

Almost half of 18- to 24-year-olds identifying as something other than 100% heterosexual.

And a recent YouGov study found that almost two in five Brits don’t think it’s appropriate for colleagues to be out in the workplace. 

To discuss all this, today's guests are:

Chantel Le Carpentier, project manager at YouGov
Michelle Fan, senior strategist in semiotics at Flamingo
Alex Turk, associate director at ICM Unlimited

The host is Jane Bainbridge, Head of Editorial for Impact magazine and Research-Live.com, both of which are published by the Market Research Society (MRS).

The MRS Delphi Group is a collection of the most respected thinkers in the research, insight and data analytics sector.